Written by veterinary technicians for veterinary technicians, MOSBY'S COMPREHENSIVE REVIEW FOR VETERINARY TECHNICIANS is a content review of all basic sciences, clinical sciences, diagnostics, applications, and professional practices and issues covered in the veterinary technology curriculum and tested by the U.S. and Canadian associations. This comprehensive text includes chapter outlines, learning outcomes, glossaries, and multiple-choice questions to aid readers in the review and retention of content. The outline format makes this book an excellent review tool or valuable introduction to content areas.
All areas of veterinary technology are covered to prepare readers for national examination and multiplicity of real-life work situations. Easy-to-read outline format highlights key content and promotes the reader's retention of difficult concepts. Covers multiple species, including large animals, birds, reptiles, dogs, cats and laboratory animals. Need-to-know diagnostic information and illustrations on microbiology, mycology, urinalysis, cytology, hematology, radiography, and ultrasonography further prepares readers for examination and practice. Key content is presented in visual summary tables for easy review, reference, and comprehension.