Makes key resources widely availableThese books provide the only complete record -- much fuller than that available through any other printed source -- of the major manuscripts of Lord Byron, Percy Bysshe Shelley, John Keats, and Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley.Valuable primary informationThese editions -- with their expensive facsimile reproductions, beta-radiographs of the watermarks, detailed bibliographical descriptions, transcriptions, textural notes, collations, bibliographies of relevant studies of the MSS, and indexes -- will remain repositories of primary information on the poems and prose of the younger Romantics for the next century.
... in Shelley's Prose or The Trumpet of a Prophecy, ed. David Lee Clark. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press, 1966, p. 184. Clark notes that Mary Shelley rearranged the notebook fragments into two separate essays, ...
36 Kenneth Neill Cameron, Shelley: The Golden Years. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1974, p. 379. delineation as suggest the final triumph of the Greek cause The Neglected Shelley 250.
.'All things' survive but life and love—which are all, in another sense” (Literary Power and the Criteria of Truth [1995], 97). Goslee saw “hope for the sustaining of a calmer love figured as a renewal of spring” (“Shelley's Draft ...
Arbitrary Power: Romanticism, Language, Politics. ... Shelley and the Sublime: An Interpretation of the Major Poems. ... “Tropes of Desire: Figuring the 'Insufficient Void' of Self-Consciousness in Shelley's Epipsychidion.
BSM XXIII: A Catalogue and Index of the Shelley Manuscripts in the Bodleian Library and a General Index to the Facsimile Edition of the Bodleian Shelley Manuscripts, Volumes I–XXII, with Barker-Benfield, B. C., Shelleyan Writing ...
In manufacture , the impressing - stamp or punch was used to mark at least the two leaves of each bifolium simultaneously , maybe several bifolia at once , at the top left - hand corners . In evidential terms , this means that within ...
stripped of individuality, the multitude lacks the self-consciousness proper to shelley, observer of this tableau. ... the motion and power of the poetry and the ceaseless shift between images prevents any ossification into certainty.43 ...
Shelley's Italian Experience. London: Macmillan. Weisman, Karen A. 1994. Imageless Truths: Shelley's Poetic Fictions. Philadelphia: University of University of Pennsylvania Press. Wolfson, Susan J. 1997. Social Form: Shelley and the ...
The combined voices of all mortal spirits would seem to reinforce the possibility that Demogorgon commands ... Demogorgon finds expression , according to Panthea , as a mighty Power , which is as Darkness , rising out of Earth ...
The loss of a child, a father, a mother, or a husband—or even a way of discerning the self—is specific, ... Sara Coleridge, a Victorian Daughter: Her Life and Essays (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1989), 63; Marland, Hilary.