The Garland Encyclopedia of World Music

The Garland Encyclopedia of World Music
The Garland Encyclopedia of World Music
Timothy Rice, Bruno Nettl, James Porter


The Garland Encyclopedia of World Musicis the first encyclopedia to tell the complete story of music, culture by culture. Each volume includes an overview of the region, a survey of its musical heritage, traditions and themes; and a description of specific musical genres, practices, and performances. Music as an expression of art, life, and culture Recognizing music as a vital social and cultural force, each volume ofThe Garland Encyclopedia of World Musicfocuses on a single region and examines the role of music in the lives, arts, and culture of its people. Generously illustrated-and organized for easy access Articles are illustrated with photographs that show musicians, musical instrument, and the cultural context of dances, rituals, and ceremonies. Drawings, maps, and musical examples in notation also illuminate the coverage. For easy reference, each volume provides an extensive glossary, with special emphasis on non-English terms. Listen tothe music-an audio CD accompanies each volume Each regional volume ofThe Garland Encyclopedia of World Musicincludes an audio CD that provides over one hours of musical examples keyed to the text. Special features *Exceptionally strong emphasis on music in a cultural context *A comprehensive treatment of music cultures that usually are split among multiple national entries *International musical authorities, including African, Asian, Pacific, South American, Caribbean, European, and North American scholars *Multidisciplinary scholarship, utilizing the latest research and methodologies *Timely coverage takes you through the 1990s *Coverage of popular music, which is often absent from other encyclopedias *Examination of art music composition throughout the world *User friendly *A thorough index gives quick access *A glossary defines unfamiliar terms, particularly non-English ones *A discography identifies commercial recordings availableto the reader *Musical examples supplement and enrich the musical descriptions *Illustrations complement the text Available as a set or as single volumes: *The Garland Encyclopedia of World Music, Volume 1: Africa 872 pp*[0-8240-6035-0] *The Garland Encyclopedia of World Music, Volume 2: South America, Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean 1104 pp*[0-8240-4947-0] *The Garland Encyclopedia of World Music, Volume 3: The United States and Canada 1390 pp*[0-8240-4944-6] *The Garland Encyclopedia of WorldMusic, Volume 4: Southeast Asia 1050 pp*[0-8240-6040-7] *The Garland Encyclopedia of World Music, Volume 5: South Asia: The Indian Subcontinent 1104 pp*[0-8240-4946-2] *The Garland Encyclopedia of World Music, Volume 6: The Middle East 1200 pp*[0-8240-6042-3] *TheGarland Encyclopedia of World Music, Volume 7: East Asia: China, Japan, and Korea 1192 pp*[0-8240-6041-5] *TheGarland Encyclopedia of World Music, Volume 8: Europe 1176 pp*[0-8240-6034-2] *The Garland Encyclopedia of World Music, Volume 9: Australia and the PacificIslands 1116 pp*[0-8240-6038-5] *The Garland Encyclopedia of World Music, Volume 10: The World's Music: General Perspectives and Reference Tools 800 pp*[0-8153-1084-6]

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