A research guide locating reliable sources on industry, markets, countries, products, and regulations for doing business internationally. The reference volume includes primary, secondary, and reference sources, periodicals, indexes, government documents and computerized sources available through February 1996. The 800 sources are annotated and provide, when appropriate, locator numbers for government documents and order numbers for book purchases. The guide does not list journal articles or dissertations. Annotation copyrighted by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR
Maria K. Todd . Available from business and economic data . Economics Co. • Annual . $ 325.00 . ... Stan Williamson and others . Profiles of U. S. Hospitals . Dorland Healthcare Information . • Annual . $ 299.00 .
Operations and Information Systems: An Introduction
Through a Glass Clearly: Finding, Evaluating, and Using Business Information from the Soviet Region
Each updated edition identifies nearly 35,000 live, print and electronic sources of information listed under more than 1,100 alphabetically arranged subjects--industries and business concepts and practices. Edited by business information...
The Hanson Guide to Business Organizations & Agencies
Business Organizations, Agencies, and Publications Directory
The conference received a total of 29 submissions, of which 9 full papers, 1 short paper and 1 position paper are included in this volume. In addition, the volume contains one keynote paper in full paper length.
Non-formal education in international comparison: Patterns of participation and investment in selected European countries. International Journal for Research in Vocational Education and Training (IJRVET). Navaneethakrishnan Kengatharan ...
ernment statistics . The National Statistics logo will appear only on statistics which meet rigorous standards of data collection , processing , and dissemination . These are set out in a new National Statistics code of practice .
Business Organizations, Agencies and Publications Directory