This book examines the practices used or considered for biological treatment of water/waste-water and hazardous wastes. The technologies described involve conventional treatment processes, their variations, as well as future technologies found in current research. The book is intended for those seeking an overview to the biotechnological aspects of pollution engineering, and covers the major topics in this field. The book is divided into five major sections and references are provided for those who wish to dig deeper.
FAULT DETECTION AND ISOLATION IN WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANTS Comparison of different approaches and experimental results JEAN ... Introduction Due to the increasing complexity and necessity of safety in industrial processes , efficient ...
Application. of. Nano-biotechnology. in. Wastewater. Treatment: An. Overview. Shweta Saraswat Abstract Rapid industrial growth, urbanization and increased population are exaggerating the problem of polluted wastewater generation.
This book provides up-to-date information on the state of the art in applications of biotechnological and microbiological tools for protecting the environment.
This book provides an amalgamation of all recent scientific information on hospital wastewater which is not available in the current literature.
This book and its 2 sister books (Volumes 2 and 3) of the Handbook of Environmental Engineering (HEE) series have been designed to serve as a mini-series covering agricultural and green biotechnologies.
The book also describes treatment strategies for the current pollution from complex organic matter, nutrients, toxic substances, micro plastics and emerging micro pollutants in different water resources.
... J. Bacteriol., 5968–6704, 1988. 11. Galli, R. and Leisinger, T., Specialized bacterial strains for the removal of dichloromethane from industrial waste, Conserv. Recycling, Vol. 8, Nos. 1–2, p. 92. 12. Attwood, M. M. and Harder, W., ...
The book devotes a detailed chapter to each of the four main areas of environmental biotechnology -- wastewater treatment, soil treatment, solid waste treatment, and waste gas treatment -- dealing with both the microbiological and process ...
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This book comprises some of the major facts and solutions on environmental studies and its importance on the ecosystem.