This award winning book provides a thorough examination of five cities with strong citizen participation programs--Birmingham, Dayton, Portland, St. Paul, and San Antonio. In each city, the authors explore whether neighborhood associations encourage more people to participate to produce a more responsive society.
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Based on THE CHALLEGE OF DEMOCRACY, BRIEF, 7E, this text is acclaimed for its exploration of the conflicting values of freedom, order, and equality; the majoritarianism vs. pluralism debate; and globalization's effect on American politics.
When we think of politics in pluralistic societies, two types of issues come to mind. On the one hand, controversies over affirmative action, race-conscious districting, and racial stereotypes in the...
Incorporating the very latest research and events central to American politics, the text thoroughly explores freedom, order, and equality as political values; the majoritarianism vs. pluralism debate; and globalization's effect on American ...
This ninth edition of THE CHALLENGE OF DEMOCRACY, THE ESSENTIALS is an abridged version of the twelfth edition of THE CHALLENGE OF DEMOCRACY. See Features for details.
M., Portney, KB. and Thompson, K. (1993) The Rebirth of Urban Democracy (Washington, DC: The Brookings Institution). Birch, AH. (1950) 'The Habit of Voting', Manchester School of Social and Economic Studies, 28 (January): 75—82.
Jeffrey Berry, Kent Portney, and Ken Thomson, The Rebirth of Urban Democracy (Brookings Institution, 1993); Archon Fung, Empowered Participation: Reinventing Urban Democracy (Princeton University Press, 2009); Musso and others, ...
(mimeo) Berry, J.M.; K.E. Portney and K. Thomson (1993) The Rebirth of Urban Democracy. Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution. Bland, G. (2004) 'Enclaves and Elections: The Decision to Decentralize in Chile'. In: A.P. Montero and D.J. ...
While most literature tends to focus on institutional changes without solutions, this book suggests practical ways to empower citizens to become change agents.
Community-based small businesses, for instance, can receive a 5 percent preference on bids for state contracts in ... office buildings, schools, homes, and other local infrastructure to go to waste when companies leave town for small ...