In this book, Donald Rothchild analyzes the successes and failures of attempts at conflict resolution in different African countries and offers comprehensive ideas for successful mediation. The book demonstrates how negotiation and mediation can promote conflict resolution, along with a political environment that fosters development.
Explaining & Managing Ethnic Conflict in Africa: Towards a Cultural Theory of Democracy
Patrick Regan assesses the impact of intervention on conflict resolution and after studying 150 conflicts during the period 1945-1999 , he posits that " although it has been assumed that interventions are undertaken in order to bring an ...
This is partly due to its re-emergence in Central and Eastern Europe after the collapse of communism, as well as its prolonged and violent manifestation in Sri Lanka, East Timor, Ethiopia/Eritrea, the Middle East, Corsica and the Spanish ...
Discusses ethnicity in Africa in terms of history and the management, resolution, and prevention of conflicts.
The object of this book is to look at the manner in which states attempt to cope with ethnic conflict through territorial approaches. This revised edition has new chapters covering Northern Ireland, South Africa and Yugoslavia.
This book represents a serious attempt to develop new strategies to manage the ethnic conflicts that continue to undermine Nigeria's efforts at democratic consolidation. Case studies discuss the socio- economic...
Here, Tsega Etefa compares three such cases—the Darfur conflict between Arabs and non-Arabs, the Gumuz and Oromo clashes in Western Oromia, and the Oromo-Pokomo conflict in the Tana Delta—in order to offer a fuller picture of how ethnic ...
This book provides a comprehensive theoretical framework for the study of ethnic conflicts and their management and settlement, the contributors exemplifying their theoretical insights with in-depth case studies provided byexperts...
Presenting the first database of constitutional design in all African countries, and seven original case studies, Constitutions and Conflict Management in Africa explores the types of domestic political institutions that can buffer ...
The annual project reports include: Project on Ethnic Conflict Management in the Former Soviet Union. Annual Progress Report, October 1, 1993; Project on Ethnic Conflict Management in the Former Soviet Union.