The federal budget impacts American policies both at home and abroad, and recent concern over the exploding budgetary deficit has experts calling our nation's policies "unsustainable" and "system-dooming." As the deficit continues to grow, will America be fully able to fund its priorities, such as an effective military and looking after its aging population? In this third edition of his classic book The Federal Budget, Allen Schick examines how surpluses projected during the final years of the Clinton presidency turned into oversized deficits under George W. Bush. In his detailed analysis of the politics and practices surrounding the federal budget, Schick addresses issues such as the collapse of the congressional budgetary process and the threat posed by the termination of discretionary spending caps. This edition updates and expands his assessment of the long-term budgetary outlook, and it concludes with a look at how the nation's deficit will affect America now and in the future. "A clear explanation of the federal budget... [Allen Schick] has captured the politics of federal budgeting from the original lofty goals to the stark realities of today."—Pete V. Domenici, U.S. Senate
The federal budget affects all of us, whether we know it or not. Monies spent by the government go into our education, our security, our military, and our bridges and roads.
A Citizen's Guide to the Federal Budget, Budget of the United States Government
For the first time, federal taxing and spending is made clear for the general reader. Direct and jargon-free answers to more than 500 questions about the federal budget clarify this...
A Citizen's Guide to the Federal Budget: Budget of the United States Government, Fiscal Year 2001
The Guide to the Federal Budget
The Federal Budget and the Nonprofit Sector
"Legislating in Congress: Federal Budget Process," Contributing Author Bill Heniff Jr., with updates by Robert Keith and Megan Lynch 8. "The Budget Reconciliation Process: Stages of Consideration," CRS Report R44058, January 4, 2017 9.