Covers the realm of ghost folklore and mythology with over six hundred entries on historical sightings, paranormal research, and supernatural hauntings.
This is the definitive A-Z reference book on all things psychic, mysterious and paranormal - the marvels, secrets and mysteries of the visible and the invisible world. This wonderful guide...
The Guinness Encyclopedia of Ghosts and Spirits
Encyclopedia of Ghosts and Spirits
No matter what your life's problems or desires, this book can guide you to the right spirits who can help fulfill your dreams.
... 56 Oliver 55 Olodumare 100 Omael 55 ombwiri 99 omlozi 76 omnipresent power 33 onbu-obake 97 One-Thousand and One Arabian Nights 78 the O'Neills 30 oni 99 124, oni-yarabi 99 onibi 99, 124 Oniel 55 onnen 127 onryo 99 Ophis 55 ora 90, ...
The Encyclopedia of Ghosts
The Encyclopedia of the Paranormal contains over 90 articles by more than 50 experts on topics including the strictly paranormal (psychokinesis, channeling, levitation, astrology, phrenology, palmistry); the historical (mediums, psychic...
... ghost stories that have circulated in the past. People reported that lights went on and off by themselves, and some rooms ... the Oriental Room. Ghosts of women, perhaps former guests, have been seen in the long and dimly lit hallways. A ...
Monsters and shape-shifters have always held a special fascination in mythologies, legends, and folklore the world over.