Each volume in this contemporary series contains three sections: first is an introduction that clearly defines the issue and provides a brief history of the subject; the second section draws together significant primary source documents; and the third section gathers useful research tools such as facts and figures, brief biographies, a bibliography, and more.
War Crimes
Murder and Madness
"The 20th century's most evil doctors & scientists" - cover subtitle.
Ce n'est pas , non plus , M. Milošević qui dirigeait les « snipers » musulmans qui , selon l'amiral Lanxade , tuèrent de nombreux soldats français . Le général Michael Rose a prouvé par l'étude des trajectoires balistiques que les ...
In this innovative book, now in its second edition, Steven R. Ratner and Jason S. Abrams offer a comprehensive study of the promises and limitations of individual accountability as a means of enforcing international human rights and ...
This book explores the obvious contradiction between the ideals of liberalism and how liberal democracies ignore, and at times even justify, their failure to uphold the principles they espouse--back cover.
Mary Whatley Clarke, Thomas J. Rusk: Soldier, Statesman, Jurist (Austin, 1971), 125. 176. M. B. Lamar to Chief Bowles [Duwali], May 26, 1839, in Texas Indian Papers, 1:61–66; see also the excerpts in Everitt, Texas Cherokees, 103–4, ...
Les droits de l'accuse
Brookings Institution Press , 2000 ) , 17 , and Martin Walker , The President We Deserve : His Rise , Falls , and ... See also Robert Kaplan , Balkan Ghosts : A Journey through History ( New York : St. Martin's Press , 1993 ) . 118.
45 Statement by Sir Ronald Sanders, Chief Foreign Affairs Representative of Antigua and Barbuda to the DSB, 24th June 2003 46 The rate of the EC$ is 2.6882 to 1 US$. 47 See 'Antigua's Impudence: Its Case Against the US at the WTO' by ...