Whether you're a student or a professionals ready for a career change, you'll find in this invaluable book everything you need to know to start an exciting career or alter the direction of your current career in library and/or information science. Features include a quick-reference Career Profile for each job summarizing its notable features, a Career Ladder illustrating frequent routes to and from the position described, and a comprehensive text pointing out special skills, education, training, and various associations relevant to each post. Appendixes list educational institutions, periodicals and directories, professional associations, and useful industry Web sites.
Describes the work, educational requirements, and job outlook for librarians, and discusses future concerns of the profession.
Presents descriptions of job responsibilities, education and training, and a typical workday for different types of librarians working in public, academic, school, and special libraries, as well as in jobs for library vendors, publishers, ...
Provides an overview of the field, employment outlook, educational requirements, and the future.
Opening New Doors: Alternative Careers for Librarians
"Provides information about librarianship as a career, including types of libraries, types of jobs within libraries, professional issues, and educational requirements"--Provided by publisher.
These standards for the accreditation of graduate programs of library and information studies leading to a master's degree are a result of review and revision of the "Standards for Accreditation...
One way to begin building your confidence factor around your transferable skills is to reconsider your work history, with an eye toward noting your track record of ... In other words, reframe your career into a “portfolio” perspective.
Discusses a variety of jobs, with their educational requirements, qualifications, duties, salaries, and employment outlook.
Many of the primary - level teachers have a designated place for books being returned to the library . As I drop off the attendance ... The first - grade class has requested resources available about spiders . I have a bibliography for ...
Written in a warm and personal style, Working in the Virtual Stacks presents an exciting future for librarians, already upon us today!