Provides information on the key places, people, events, and culture of more than seven hundred years of Roman history, from the legendary founding of the city by Aeneas to the fall of the last Roman emperor in 476 A.D.
An informative guide to the Romans, covering key figures, battles and events as well as the day-to-day life of Roman citizens, and their pastimes and art.
Describes the world of the Romans from the founding of the city to the decline of the empire.
Describes the world of the Romans from the founding of the city to the decline of the empire.
Describes the world of the Romans from the founding of the city to the decline of the empire.
Be sure to check out the other titles in this collection, including Rocks and Minerals, Dinosaurs, Bugs, Cars, Horses, Dogs, Sharks, Space, Human Body, Animals, Earth, Mammals, Ancient Egypt, and Inventions.
Revised edition of: A brief history of ancient Rome. New York: Oxford University Press, 2005.
The course is available in two different editions, Core and Foundation. Every core title in the series has a parallel Foundation edition.
“ Hearken , ye senators , and in the evil days to come , remember all I say . Out of the seed which ye sow this hour come wars , civil wars ; Roman ... Metellus Scipio , Marcus Cato , Lucius Domitius , within five years shall you all be ...
222 Belgrade , Yugoslavia 681 , 683 Bell , Deighton , publ . 223 Bell , George ( & Sons ) , publ . 223 , 287-290 “ Belles Lettres , ” ( Les ) , publ . 417 , 419 , 420 , 422 , 424-426 , 427-429 , 493 Bentley , Richard P. 20 Berbua see ...