"This book is about Industrial Engineering .
This operations research text incorporates a wealth of state-of-the-art, user-friendly software and more coverage of modern operations research topics. This edition features the latest developments in operations research.
The hallmark features of this edition include clear and comprehensive coverage of fundamentals, an extensive set of interesting problems and cases, and state-of-the-practice operations research software used in conjunction with examples ...
This edition will also feature the latest developments in OR, such as metaheuristics, simulation, and spreadsheet modeling.
CD-ROM contains: Student version of MPL Modeling System and its solver CPLEX -- MPL tutorial -- Examples from the text modeled in MPL -- Examples from the text modeled in LINGO/LINDO -- Tutorial software -- Excel add-ins: TreePlan, SensIt, ...
This edition contains many new problems. The book is packaged with revised and improved tutorial software (updated in 1999) that enables larger-scale problem-solving.
Computer Books and Serials in Print
Disk contains: OR Courseware to accompany text, featuring demostration examples, interactive routines, and automatic routines.
Introduction to Management Science, 2e offers a unique case study approach and integrates the use of Excel.
American Book Publishing Record Cumulative, 1950-1977: Title index