A Time to Forgive: One Family's Journey After the Murder of Their Daughter

A Time to Forgive: One Family's Journey After the Murder of Their Daughter
A Time to Forgive
Darold Bigger


what do you do when your Daughter's been Murderedùand now is lying cold and stiff in a morgue hundreds of miles away? Do you leave her there alone, or do you bring her home? How do you feel when the funeral is over and you're watching herùbeautiful, peaceful, but to stillùdisappear from view for the last time as the funeral director lowers and latches the lid of the coffin? Where was God when the murderer pushed his way into her home and attacked her? Where was He the year before, when, after praying about finding the right place, she moved to that neighborhood and chose that apartment? And what does God expect of you now? Jesus said we're to forgive everyone who sins against us. But in forgiving your daughter's assailant, aren't you minimizing the awful deed? Aren't you saying that it wasn't so bad after all? In the first part of this three-part book Dr. and Mrs. Bigger tell us about their daughter's death and their reaction to it. This isn't a view from a distance. Dr. Bigger in particular lets us see his struggleùwhat he was thinking and feelingùand the breakthrough that gave life value again. The second part is an in-depth look at forgiveness, and the third part offers a unique and helpful look at love. The perspective these parts provide makes it easier for us to love our enemies and to forgive them. Book jacket.

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