"A Crossroad book." Includes bibliographical references.
The Death Penalty as Torture: From the Dark Ages to Abolition was named a Bronze Medalist in the World History category of the Independent Publisher Book Awards and a finalist in the Eric Hoffer Book Awards (2018).
570 , 581 ( U.S. ) , 1209 , 1216 ( S.Ct. ) . 128. 1 Wm . & MARY , 2d Sess . ( 1689 ) , c . 2 . 129. Sir William BLACKSTONE , Commentaries on the Laws of England , vol . 4 , * 92 . 130. George William KEETON , Lord Chancellor Jeffreys ...
With simulated executions and non-lethal corporal punishments already prohibited as torturous acts, death sentences and real executions, the book contends, must be classified as torturous acts, too.
Ultimate Penalties: Capital Punishment, Life Imprisonment, Physical Torture
Ronald Kitchen was 21, on his way to buy milk for his four-year-old, when he was picked up by the Chicago police, brutally tortured, and coerced to confess to five counts of heinous murder.
With simulated executions and non-lethal corporal punishments already prohibited as torturous acts, death sentences and real executions, the book contends, must be classified as torturous acts, too.
This volume constitutes a commentary on Article 37 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.
This book provides an overview of capital punishment in Japan in a legal, historical, social, cultural and political context.
Against this backdrop, the National Research Council report Deterrence and the Death Penalty assesses whether the available evidence provides a scientific basis for answering questions of if and how the death penalty affects homicide rates.
This volume examines the history of the death penalty, the ways it is administered, and the arguments for and against it.