These eighteen short stories by American Indians, written between 1881 and 1936, represent the rise of Indian short fiction--as opposed to traditional legends and tales--following confinement of all recognized tribes to reservations. Previously published only in small journals or American Indian newspapers (with one never published), these stories have been largely inaccessible to general readers, and even to most scholars specializing in Native American literature.Contents
Nedawi, by Susette La Flesche
A Red Girl's Reasoning, by Pauline Johnson
The Tenas Klootchman, by Pauline Johnson
The Sick Child, by Angel DeCora
In the Name of His Ancestor, by William Jones
The Heart of the Brave, by William Jones
The Story of a Vision, by Francis La Flesche
The Soft-Hearted Sioux, by Gertrude Bonnin
A Warrior's Daughter, by Gertrude Bonnin
The Gray Chieftain, by Charles A. Eastman
The Singing Spirit, by Charles A. Eastman
Letter of Fus Fixico, March 23, 1906, by Alexander Posey
Letter of Fus Fixico, January 11, 1907, by Alexander Posey
The Problem of Old Harjo, by John M. Oskison
The Singing Bird, by John M. Oskison
Ee Sa Rah N'eah's Story, by John Joseph Mathews
Hard Riding, by D'Arcy McNickle
Train Time, by D'Arcy McNickle