Although ledger art has long been considered a male art form, Women and Ledger Art calls attention to the extraordinary achievements of four contemporary female Native artists—Sharron Ahtone Harjo (Kiowa), Colleen Cutschall (Oglala Lakota), Linda Haukaas (Sicangu Lakota), and Dolores Purdy Corcoran (Caddo). The book examines these women's interpretations of their artwork and their thoughts on tribal history and contemporary life.
Northern Cheyenne Ledger Art by Fort Robinson Breakout Survivors presents Dodge City ledger-art images and biographies that document a Native perspective at the cusp of reservation life in 1879.
The drawings became known as ledger art. This volume presents in full color the Lansburgh collection in its entirety. The drawings are narratives depicting Plains lifeways through Plains eyes.
This ledger art is derived from Plains Indian biographic art. Because it recorded actual events important to the lives of individuals and groups, biographic art usually comprises naturalistic action scenes...
"Ledger art is the term used to describe Plains Indian drawings and paintings on paper from the second half of the nineteenth century because they were often made on ledger...
He was influenced by the work of Lakota ledger artists such as Amos Bad Heart Bull (1869-1913), but he always sought to defy stereotypical notions and perceptions of Native life and culture and create his own artistic vision.
Charnaye Toulou has her sights pinned on winning the World Famous Suicide Horse Race during the Omak Stampede.
During the winter of 1880-81, Black Hawk, a Lakota artist living on the Cheyenne River Sioux reservation, drew seventy-six vivid images depicting complex scenes of ceremonial activity, personal visions, historical...
Presents an illustrated examination of the role of horses in Native American culture and history, providing information on the depiction of horses in tribal clothing, tools, and other objects.
Influenced by these early works, historians focused on Fetterman?s arrogance and ineptitude as the sole cause of the tragedy. ø In Give Me Eighty Men, Shannon D. Smith reexamines the works of the two Mrs.
When the news was first brought to Chivington of the death of these persons, and of the manner of their death, he sneeringly remarked to the bystanders: “I told the guard when they left that if they did not kill those fellows, ...