Hate crimes against Native Americans are a common occurrence, Barbara Perry reveals, although most go unreported. In this eye-opening book, Perry shines a spotlight on these acts, which are often hidden in the shadows of crime reports. She argues that scholarly and public attention to the historical and contemporary victimization of Native Americans as tribes or nations has blinded both scholars and citizens alike to the victimization of individual Native Americans. It is these acts against individuals that capture her attention. Silent Victims is a unique contribution to the literature on hate crime. Because most extant literature treats hate crimesÑeven racial violenceÑrather generically, this work breaks new ground with its findings. For this book, Perry interviewed nearly 300 Native Americans and gathered additional data in three geographic areas: the Four Corners region of the U.S. Southwest, the Great Lakes, and the Northern Plains. In all of these locales, she found that bias-related crime oppresses and segregates Native Americans. Perry is well aware of the history of colonization in North America and its attendant racial violence. She argues that the legacy of violence today can be traced directly to the genocidal practices of early settlers, and she adds valuable insights into the ways in which ÒIndiansÓ have been constructed as the Other by the prevailing culture. PerryÕs interviews with Native Americans recount instances of appalling treatment, often at the hands of law enforcement officials. In her conclusion, Perry draws from her research and interviews to suggest ways in which Native Americans can be empowered to defend themselves against all forms of racist victimization.
Three women face dark consequences because of the actions of their children.
Silent victims
Dr.SavonaRoberts Thank you, first and foremost I have to give all praises to God who directed me in writing this book, ... were my inspiration, I want somuch for youthree notto be a Silent Victim crying Innocent Tears, I love you.
. . Praise for C. E. Lawrence and Silent Screams "Pulse-racing, first-rate. . .a wild ride down a dark road."–-John Lutz "Lawrence delivers finely honed suspense with unique twists."--Katherine Ramsland "A dark, intriguing thriller.
The Silent Victims
Unfortunately, his nightmare is just beginning. Silent Victim touchingly illustrates one boys shattering childhood journey as he learns to rely on sheer will and determination to survive the horrors of sexual abuse.
Aims To Highlight The Forgotten Victims Of Armed Conflict-The Woman-Lifts The Veil On Indignities To Which Women Are Subjected By Invading Forces-Analyses The Content Of International Treaties, National Legislation And...
Hitler's Silent Victims
I'm not going to let our relationship be one of the casualties. I love you, Addy, and I know you love me. ... But I don't have any other plans, so... .” The End About the Author Carol's love of writing dates back to 245 The Silent Victims.
Protecting Our Silent Victims: The Unborn Victims of Violence Act : Hearing Before the Committee on the Judiciary, United States...