Few places in the world can claim such a diversity of species as the Gulf of California (Sea of Cortez), with its 6,000 recorded animal species estimated to be half the number actually living in its waters. So rich are the Gulf's water that over a half-million tons of seafood are taken from them annuallyÑand this figure does not count the wasted by-catch, which would triple or quadruple that tonnage. This timely book provides a benchmark for understanding the Gulf's extraordinary diversity, how it is threatened, and in what ways it isÑor should beÑprotected. In spite of its dazzling richness, most of the Gulf's coastline now harbors but a pale shadow of the diversity that existed just a half-century ago. Recommendations based on sound, careful science must guide Mexico in moving forward to protect the Gulf of California. This edited volume contains contributions by twenty-four Gulf of California experts, from both sides of the U.S.-Mexico border. From the origins of the Gulf to its physical and chemical characteristics, from urgently needed conservation alternatives for fisheries and the entire Gulf ecosystem to information about its invertebrates, fishes, cetaceans, and sea turtles, this thought-provoking book provides new insights and clear paths to achieve sustainable use solidly based on robust science. The interdisciplinary, international cooperation involved in creating this much-needed collection provides a model for achieving success in answering critically important questions about a precious but rapidly disappearing ecological treasure.
Fishwatchers guide to West Atlantic coral reefs. Wynnewood, Pennsylvania: Livingston. 65 pp. Charney, P. 1976. Oral brooding in the cardinalfishes Phaeoptyx conklini and Apogon maculatus from the Bahamas. Copeia 1976 (1): 198—200.
The book is designed to answer key questions that link the health of coastal ecosystems with the regionÕs evolutionary history: What was the richness of ÒfossilÓ ecosystems in the Gulf of California? How has it changed over time?
The Gulf of California has been largely ignored by geologists and oceanographers, due largely to its inaccessibility by land.
Discovering the Geology of Baja California invites visitors to these shores to explore not only rocks and fossils but also the continuum of past ecosystems with the ecology of the present.
The Gulf of California: A World Apart
Illustrated beach walking guide to the intertidal animals and plants of the Upper Gulf of California; lively informal presentation with over 600 explanatory photos and drawings to appeal to all ages.
... as English composition oered at the Hopkins Marine Station aliated with Stanford University, where he had completed his third year. The connection is described in A Journey into Steinbeck's California, by Susan Shillinglow, nd ed.
Gastil, R. G., and Miller, R. H., eds., 1993, The prebatholithic stratigraphy of peninsular California: Geological Society of America Special Paper 279, 163 p. Gastil, R. G., Phillips, R. P., and Allison, E. C., 1973, ...
Ostracoda from the Gulf of California
Common Intertidal Invertebrates of the Gulf of California