Discovering Pluto is an authoritative account of the exploration of Pluto and its moons, from the first inklings of tentative knowledge through the exciting discoveries made during the flyby of the NASA New Horizons research spacecraft in July 2015. Co-author Dale P. Cruikshank was a co-investigator on the New Horizons mission, while co-author William Sheehan is a noted historian of the Solar System. Telling the tale of Pluto’s discovery, the authors recount the grand story of our unfolding knowledge of the outer Solar System, from William Herschel’s serendipitous discovery of Uranus in 1781, to the mathematical prediction of Neptune’s existence, to Percival Lowell’s studies of the wayward motions of those giant planets leading to his prediction of another world farther out. Lowell’s efforts led to Clyde Tombaugh’s heroic search and discovery of Pluto—then a mere speck in the telescope—at Lowell Observatory in 1930. Pluto was finally recognized as the premier body in the Kuiper Belt, the so-called third zone of our Solar System. The first zone contains the terrestrial planets (Mercury through Mars) and the asteroid belt; the second, the gas-giant planets Jupiter through Neptune. The third zone, holding Pluto and the rest of the Kuiper Belt, is the largest and most populous region of the solar system. Now well beyond Pluto, New Horizons will continue to wend its lonely way through the galaxy, but it is still transmitting data, even today. Its ultimate legacy may be to inspire future generations to uncover more secrets of Pluto, the Solar System, and the Universe.
O. occultations 82, 92,93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 100, 102, 161 O'Connor, Johnson 44 Olkin, Cathy 106, 140 opposition 30 ... 158 Stern, Alan 12, 106, 110, 111, 117, 130, 156 Swarthmore College 13,46, 158 Sykes, Stanley 39, 55, 56 ...
Thank you also to the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation for its support of early childhood education at the Museum. SuggestedReadingSuggestedReading for Young People for Young People Children of the.
The fiftieth anniversary of Pluto's discovery will be celebrated in 1980 and OUT OF THE DARKNESS: THE PLANET PLUTO tells the exciting scientific story of the twenty-five year search for a planet X beyond Neptune, and its discovery-the only ...
Pluto was more fascinating than scientists ever imagined! Read this book to learn more about New Horizons, its long journey to Pluto, and the things scientists learned from the photos of this distant dwarf planet.
“That's still all Morrison Formation out there.” Willoughby waves. “And right here. Still who knows what to find. And we still got that lease for another year, don't we, all paid up.” “Maybe Isenbright might come through,” Felix ...
Leslie led that development, and in doing so she became a world expert in this kind of complex mission planning. ... up for nights and weekends of work for the rest of the proposal effort, Leslie told Alan, “I'm here to win.
In 1930 astronomer Clyde Tombaugh made the discovery of a lifetime: the planet Pluto.
A heartfelt and personal journey filled with both humor and drama, How I Killed Pluto and Why It Had It Coming is the book for anyone, young or old, who has ever imagined exploring the universe—and who among us hasn’t?
An empowering, inspiring--and accessible!--nonfiction picture book about the 11-year-old girl who, in 1930, actually named the newly discovered "ninth major planet" after Pluto, the ruler of the afterlife in Roman mythology. Full color.
It is the most exciting book about Pluto you will ever read in your life." —Jon Stewart When the Rose Center for Earth and Space at the American Museum of Natural History reclassified Pluto as an icy comet, the New York Times proclaimed ...