Steven Koblik's epilogue extends Scott's now standard text with an analysis of contemporary Swedish political, economic, and social behavior. In addition to the epilogue, Scott has made a number of alterations in the text in order to maintain the timeliness and comprehensiveness of the work. Using a chronological-topical structure, Scott shows how and why Sweden progressed from times of backwardness to an age of military greatness, through two centuries of cultural development and relapse into poverty followed by a sudden outburst of productive energy and the creation of an exceptionally prosperous welfare state where the ideal is consensus rather than confrontation.
Gustav Eriksson (Vasa) i Dalarna 1520-1521: minnen, myter och monument
Gustavus III and His Contemporaries, 1742-1792
- Is Lisbeth the first true literary heroine of the 21st century? - What changes were made in the plots and translations of the novels after Larsson's death - and why?
Innovationsklimatet i Sverige
Resten av världen: Svenska brevröster om solidaritet
Tredje ståndpunkten: En debatt från det kalla krigets dagar
Peter Gunnarsson Rambo (1605-1698) immigrated from Sweden to New Sweden, Delaware in 1641.
Completely rewritten and updated and in the new editorial format for the first time, this is the only one-volume guide to Sweden that gives comprehensive information, tours of the major cities and scenic regions, hotel and restaurant ...
The Complete Guide with the Best of Stockholm, the Lakes and the Islands Fodor's, Fodor's Travel Publications, Inc. Staff. Travel : Airports " ( Dept. Park , MD 20740 , ( fee $ 28- $ 53 , depend575A ) . TTY 301 / 699-8836 , ing on ...
Fredrik Backman knows that we are forever shaped by the places we call home, and in this emotionally powerful, sweetly insightful story, he explores what can happen when we carry the heavy weight of other people's dreams on our shoulders ...