Considered the dean of American conservatism, Nisbet (emeritus, Columbia U.; American Enterprise Institute) revises his view of classical liberalism vis a vis social pluralism set forth in the seminal The Quest for Community (1953) in discussing the sources, dogmatics, consequences, and prospects of the conservative movement. Originally published by the U. of Minnesota Press. c. Book News Inc.
This is a major contribution to political thought from conservatism's greatest contemporary proponent. Originally published in Britain in 1980 and revised in 1984, this edition - the first ever in...
It is their only route back to the center of American politics. At once succinct and detailed, penetrating and nuanced, The Death of Conservatism is a must-read for Americans of any political persuasion.
A radically new interpretation of the Progressive Era which argues that business leaders, and not the reformers, inspired the era’s legislation regarding business.
At a time when the label "conservative" is indiscriminately applied to fundamentalists, populists, libertarians, fascists, and the advocates of one or another orthodoxy, this volume offers a nuanced and historically informed presentation of ...
Postwar Words that Made an American Movement Michael J. Lee ... political languages tied to political identities, see Terrence Ball, James Farr,andRussell L. Hanson, “Introduction,” in Political Innovation and Conceptual Change, ed.
Atlanta and the Making of Modern Conservatism Kevin M. Kruse ... 137, 172,174 Mississippi, segregationist violence in, 211–12 Mitchell, Oscar, 189 Mitchell, Sara, 167 Mitchell, Stephens, 99 Montgomery, Ala., 112 Montgomery Street, ...
Edited by Frank S. Meyer, who popularized the idea of “fusionism” that became the basis for modern American conservatism, What Is Conservatism? features brilliant essays by twelve leading conservative thinkers and spokesmen, including: ...
In this timely book, Jerome Himmelstein offers a new interpretation of the growth of conservatism in American politics.
In this collection of essays, Washington Times columnist Francis argues that the 1992 victory of the Democratic Party in the presidential campaign marks not only the end of the Reagan-Bush era but the failure of American conservatism.
Why the Right Went Wrong offers a historical view of the right since the 1960s. Its core contention is that American conservatism and the Republican Party took a wrong turn...