A resounding challenge to the entrenched thinking and political inertia of international relations, this collection of essays overturns some basic assumptions about the relationship between ethics and international affairs -- and about the very nature of these terms. Rather than pursue the traditional search for overarching, supranational principles, the contributors focus on specific, historically situated encounters. The result is a sustained consideration of the relationship between space, subjectivity, and ethics. Moral Spaces takes a position "against" theory, ethics, and justice -- a position opposing the orthodox renderings of these domains, with their ethical political effects. The book proceeds from the suspicion that theorizing ethics tends to obscure the contingencies and complexities of the ethical and that striving for the rules and principles of justice generally produces injustice. Instead, the contributors seek to foster the ethical relation in world politics. They investigate the radical entanglement of moral discourses and "spatial imaginaries" -- the moral spaces or bounded locations whose inhabitants benefit from ethical inclusion -- and question the approach that leads to this entanglement. These essays stimulate new ways of thinking about what is "international, " about states and their interests, about sovereignty and transborder humanisms, about refugees and immigration, about rescue missions and the death penalty, and about the limited but very solid metaphysical underpinnings of the "international" discourse. Contributors: William E. Connolly, Johns Hopkins U; Michael Dillon, U of Lancaster; Bonnie Honig, Northwestern U; Kate Manzo, U of Newcastle; Richard Maxwell, CUNY; Patricia Molloy, U of Toronto; Daniel Warner, Graduate Institute of International Studies, Switzerland.
Lisbon , Office of the Direcção - Geral do Turismo , 22 p . Stanislawski , D. , 1959. The individuality of Portugal : a study in historical - political geography . Austin , University of Texas Press , 248 p . Valente , A.C.N. , 1990.
A.M. 218 Pantulu.V.R. 52,161,218 Park,B.H. 93,97 Park.J.S. 254,265 Parker, N. 231 Parry, G.D. 260,263 Pastor, N.I.S. 257 Patel.B. 305 Paulson, L.J. 222 Pauly.D. 16,120,135 Paw,J.N. 202,207 Pearson, H.W. 165 Pearson, T.H. 105 Pedersen, ...
Providore Island: Tasmanian Fine Produce
Priority Adaptations to Climate Change for Pacific Fisheries and Aquaculture: Reducing Risks and Capitalizing on Opportunities, FAO/Secretariat of the Pacific...
Two important issue for an emerging inland saline aquaculture industry are: managing potential environmental impacts in an ecological, social and economic landscape that is already burdened by poor natural resource management decisions; and ...
This second volume, Aquaculture, explores the potential for the development of a blue economy mariculture industry, as well as specific enabling conditions that could assist in moving towards economic reality where opportunities exist"- ...
Mexico Profundo: El Mar de Cortes
General Fisheries Council for the Mediterranean (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations). Committee on Aquaculture. Castillo, S., T.J. Popma, R.P. Phelps, L.U. Hatch and T.R. Hanson. 1992. Family-scale fish farming in ...
Aquaculture Desk Reference
This report looks at small-scale aquaculture from the viewpoint of poverty reduction. What are the main factors that enable fish farming to generate livelihoods and reduce poverty?