Education for Democracy was first published in 1934. Minnesota Archive Editions uses digital technology to make long-unavailable books once again accessible, and are published unaltered from the original University of Minnesota Press editions.“The Greek ideal of the citizen realizing himself in the state” is the heart of Dean Johnston's philosophy developed in this book. He is concerned not merely with education, but with our current economic, political, social, and ethical problems, which education directed toward service to the state may help to solve.This is a book in which an ideal rather than a theory of education is clearly stated at the beginning, and developed like a theme in music. The author, speaking from a long and varied experience as scientist, teacher, and college administrator, sees the only hope of a future democratic state in the selection and training of competent and unselfish leaders.This selection, he firmly believes, is the task of the schools and especially of the colleges. By “selection” he means – he is careful to point out – not the exclusion of any capable person from higher education, but a careful fitting of every individual for the occupation in which he will be most happy and will render the best service to society.The papers collected here all deal with some variation of this theme. They draw up a striking indictment of many current educational practices, while pointing the way, as this prominent educator sees it, toward the alleviation of that “social manic-depressive insanity” with which our civilization is now afflicted.
Praise for Educating for Democracy "Among the goals of higher education, none is so frequently mentioned or so rarely analyzed with care as preparing students to be citizens. This book goes a long way toward rectifying the problem.
Rarely have these separate approaches been brought into the same conversation. Education, Justice, and Democracy does just that, offering an intensive discussion by highly respected scholars across empirical and philosophical disciplines.
In this book, Dewey tries to criticize and expand on the educational philosophies of Rousseau and Plato. Dewey's ideas were seldom adopted in America's public schools, although a number of...
This book outlines the notion of ‘lived democracy in education’, bringing together interdisciplinary educational research on young citizens’ democratic practices in kindergartens, schools, and teacher education.
Feminismos y Pedagogías en la vida cotidiana. Morata. Lupo, C. (2015). La pornografía en internet. Nuestro tiempo. Revista cultural y de cuestiones actuales de la Universidad de Navarra, 693. ...
"Educational philosopher Nel Noddings draws on John Dewey's foundational work to reimagine education's aims and curriculum for the 21st century.
Through embodying this approach of authentic spiritual growth through education, this book explores the idea of caring confrontations and critical reflection to enable personal change and growth.
This book will be relevant for educators, researchers, and policymakers who are interested in educational sociology, critical pedagogy, and democratic education.
This book advocates the use of case methods to promote democratic teaching and learning. Part I speaks directly to teacher educators. The chapters in this part suggest how and why they might use case methods at pre- and in-service levels.
Democracy and Education: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Education