Discusses a number of UFO sightings, describes various kinds of UFO's, and explains how sightings are investigated. Includes a glossary, a bibliography, and a list of UFO organizations.
David Clarke and Andy Roberts carefully unpick the origin of these beliefs, looking carefully at the key individuals involved.
Luckily, a surprise rescue is on-hand, but escape isn't easy. And so the interstellar chase begins... This is a second adventure for the intrepid hero of Colour Me Crazy.
The UFO Encyclopedia
UFOs and the Limits of Science
Sightings: UFOs and the Limits of Science
Suddenly , a bright flash seemed to light up his airplane . Stunned by the bright burst , Arnold peered out the front and side windows . To his left , in the distance , he could see a DC - 4 on its regular course .
My trip was delayed for an hour to search for a large marine transport that supposedly went down near or around the southwest side of Mt. Rainier in the State of Washington and to date has never been found I flew directly toward Mt.
The first book of its kind, the UFO Sightings Desk Reference: United States of America 2001-2015 presents data and analysis for 100,000+ sightings of unidentified flying objects reported by individuals during the first 15 years of the 21st ...
Written by an acclaimed occult scholar, this book is a through are credible exploration of the UFO phenomenon - from Kenneth Arnold's 1947 sighting of the first 'flying saucers' to present-day sightings.
Ces lumières et ces étranges véhicules dans le ciel viennent-ils d'une autre galaxie ou sont-ils plutôt le fruit de notre imagination, pures folies, grossières fabrications ou des appareils créés par...