Spitzer's classic study of presidential power, The Presidency and Public Policy examines the annual domestic legislative programs of US presidents from 1954-1974 to show how and in what ways the characteristics of their proposals affected their success in dealing with Congress (success being defined as Congress's passing the presidents' legislative proposals in the forms offered). Presidential skills matter, but Spitzer demonstrates that the successful application of those skills is relatively easy for some policies and next to impossible for others. Certain consistent patterns predominate regardless of who sits in the Oval Office, and to a great extent those patterns prescribe prseidential behavior.
The premise behind this book is that policy making provides a useful perspective for studying the presidency, perhaps the most important and least understood policy-making institution in the United States.
This book should appeal to political scientists and historians interested in the presidency and in public opinion, as well as general readers interested in the history of the American presidency.
The premise behind this book is that policy making provides a useful perspective for studying the presidency, perhaps the most important and least understood policy-making institution in the United States.
Calling the Shots demonstrates how executive power is a powerful weapon of coercion and redistribution in the president’s political and policymaking arsenal.
“Alexander Hamilton and the Modern Presidency: Continuity or Discontinuity.” Presidential Studies Quarterly 12:1 (Winter):6–25. Lowi, Theodore J. (1979). The End of Liberalism: The ... In Thomas E. Cronin, ed. Rethinking the Presidency.
This book analyzes the dynamics and unique qualities of Trump’s administrative presidency in the important policy areas of health care, education, and climate change.
The Presidency: Studies in Public Policy
Originally published by Winthrop Publishers, Inc. in 1974, this volume concentrates upon the role of major political institutions in policy-making: interest groups, political parties, the presidency, Congress, courts, and the bureaucracy, ...
The most thorough, systematic, and historical examination of the interrelations of the president and other participants in civil rights policymaking, The President and Civil Rights Policy investigates the process from...
The Presidency and Public Policy: The Four Arenas of Presidential Power