Readers will find hundreds of stunning full-colour examples and comprehensive, up-to-date information on such topics as in-camera image enhancements; using zooms and macros; digital zoom; "digital" camera controls; image resolution and compression; the best settings for email and prints; and even how to get images from the camera to the computer. Plus, this comprehensive and authoritative guide combines clear, engaging text with simple illustrations that make it all easy. The bible for anyone who wants to master the art of digital photography!
USING SELECTIONS AND LAYERS broken sword.psd 44.9 % ( Sword , RGB ) BOX Layers More Opacity : 100N THE т Sward BROKEN SWORD T T The Layero Layer Styles vet Stw Red . We Purple . Por DR . Martens Go ! ntru Figure 6.33 You can add a ...
面3张照片都属于光线运用得当的照片,但是们的光线不同。 1张照片从正面照向人物,面整体色彩,阴常,给人一明快的感觉。 2张照片中,光线从侧面照人物上,在另一侧产生了一些阴。 1张照片对,可看这光对让人物的面五变得体了许多。 3张照片中,光线来自于人物后, ...
This complete and easy-to-follow introduction to Adobe Photoshop Elements has been updated throughout to show all the new features of version 3.0 including Photo Browser, Quick Fix Editor, Photo Creations...
This is a simplified primer for mastering the art of hybrid photography, showing how to combine film and camera technology, computer manipulation and varied output media. Topics covered include: camera...
Rich with a half-century of photographs from the pages of Life magazine, this volume presents a gallery of famous people and a photohistory of great events captured by the camera...
Whether you're just making the transition from a lifetime of traditional photography or are looking to bring your digital photography skills in line with today's market, if you're serious about...
Photo-historian John Wood ( The Daguerreotype ) here resonantly portrays a "more gracious naive" era in the art and craft of photography by focusing on turn-of-the-century photographers like Stieglitz, Steichen,...