Drawing on the thoughts of various philosophers, political thinkers, economists, and lawyers, Terry Anderson and Laura Huggins present a blueprint for the nonexpert-expert on how societies can encourage or discourage freedom and prosperity through their property rights institutions. This Hoover Classic edition of Property Rightsdetails step-by-step what property rights are, what they do, how they evolve, how they can be protected, and how they promote freedom and prosperity.
In the end, the book provides a fresh, comprehensive overview of an intriguing subject, accessible to anyone with a minimal background in economics. (An introductory chapter introduces the handful of assumptions embedded in the text's ...
Considers all of the primary limitations on government regulations of property - Takings; Due Process; Contracts Clause; Equal Protection; the Vested Rights Doctrine; Anti-Retroactivity Presumptions; Internal Limits on the Police Power ...
Chip Mellor , then president of PRI , encouraged me to work with him on that conference and to undertake further research of my own on Indian economies . I therefore owe him a debt of gratitude for his encouragement .
This book considers the interplay of law, ideology, politics and economic change in shaping constitutional thought, and provides a historical perspective on the contemporary debate about property rights.
This is a study of the way individuals organise the use of resources in order to maximise the value of their economic rights over these resources.
They also resorted to what Haber et. al (2003) call “vertical political integration,” a mechanism for generating credible commitments in environments with weak or partial institutions. El Águila, for instance, incorporated in Mexico and ...
This book is the first systematic attempt to assess key constitutional developments in the land use field during the last decade in state and federal supreme courts.
Private Property Rights: On the state of the law in the taking of private property rights by the government and...
Which matters more--spotted owls or the right to cut timber on your own land?
SMC = social marginal cost ; PMC = private marginal cost ; SMB = social marginal benefit ; PMB = private marginal ... the farmer was unable to realize all the benefits from his land because marauding animals were extracting some of them ...