In Changing Course, Claudia Black extends a helping hand to individuals working their way through the painful experience of being raised with addiction.
In Changing Course, Claudia Black extends a helping hand to individuals working their way through the painful experience of being raised with addiction.
An inspirational handbook describes how readers can transform their lives, explaining how to deal with the emotional and financial consequences of change, the personal adjustments, and the potential rewards of building a new life.
Changing Course: A Global Business Perspective on Development and the Environment : Executive Summary
Describes autism as an epidemic, examines its potential causes, and argues that it can be treated as a medical disease rather than a behavioral disorder, discussing specific treatments.
This book explores the impact of economic crises and free-market reforms on party systems and political representation in contemporary Latin America.
... Movement HAROLD S. WECHSLER The Irony of School Reform: Educational Innovation in Mid-Nineteenth Century Massachusetts MICHAEL B. KATZ Curriculum & Consequence: Herbert M. Kliebard and the Promise of Schooling BARRY FRANKLIN, ...
"The essential first step for all couples planning to sail away; this is a must-read."--Paul and Sheryl Shard, authors of Sail Away! "Changing Course is the first book that honestly evaluates the transition to life afloat.
The primary message in Changing Course is the compelling need for people to rethink retirement. Based on twenty years research, the book presents unique stories of how pioneers over fifty are showing the way to positive aging.
In this Fifth Edition of her acclaimed text, Elizabeth D. Hutchison uses her multidimensional framework to examine the influences that can impact human behavior across time.