Cronin, Patrick N., 64, 83, 85, 87, 90, 93, 97-98, 102, 109, 121-22, 126, 129-30 Dash, Barbara, 228«42 Deane, ... John G., 231 «5 Hitler, Adolf, 24, 195, 223 «3 Hoffman, Stanley, 243 «23 Hyland, William G., 204 lakubovskii, I., ...
This study concentrates on the military roots of Soviet policy.
New Thinking in Soviet Military Policy
In this timely reader, ten experts on the Soviet Union offer their perspectives on Soviet military strategy and defense policy, covering the foreign policy context, nuclear weapons, conventional forces, and force and Soviet diplomacy.
Russian military capacity remains a major consideration for global security even in the post-Soviet era. This book assesses today's Russian military and analyzes its possible future direction.
... F.I. Konasov, and S.I, Tkach, Boyevyye Deystiviya Motostrelkovogo Batal'ona v Gorode Combat Action of a Motorized Rifle Battalion in a City] (Moscow: Woyenizdat, 1971), trans. OACS (I) K-1400, January 12, 1972, p. 110.
This book, first published in 1989, analyses Western and Soviet perceptions of each other’s military thoughts and doctrines, a key part of the Cold War, where both sides planned to both win a possible conflict, and to avoid one.
"In his timely and thoughtful assessment of Gorbachev's evolving military policy, Mark Katz cautions against concluding that Moscow has lost interest in retaining and acquiring positions of influence in areas such as Angola, the Arab world, ...
LORD CARRINGTON Secretary General, North Atla/ltic Treaty Orga/lisation In providing a foreword to this volume, I have to declare an interest.
See Peter Truscott, Russia First: Breaking with the West (London: Tauris, 1997), p. 46. Duma Speaker Ivan Rybkin's suggested 'peace belt'. Personal exchange with Trusoott, March 1995. Benjamin S. Lambeth, The Warrior Who Would Rule ...
Many people have been instrumental in helping see this book through to completion.