如:《千与千寻》中的汤屋被比喻成现实社会(见图 1-65 ) ,虽充满肮脏与混乱,却也能让我们在其中找到生命的真善美。而无脸人在车厢里的一段(见图 1-66 ) ,空寂的车厢隐喻着无脸人是孤独脆弱的,周围的人变成了虚化的影子,暗示他深受环境的影响,无力改变自己 ...
"This book uses a top-down approach to introduce readers to the SPICE simulator. It begins by describing techniques for simulating circuits, then presents the various SPICE and OrCAD commands and...
PSpice and Orcad Capture are computer programs that simulate electric circuits. PSpice for Linear Circuits provides an introduction to these programs and describes ways in which they can be profitably...
Rapid Manufacturing is a new area of manufacturing developed from a family of technologies known as Rapid Prototyping. These processes have already had the effect of both improving products and...
这是一本教摄影“小白”怎样快速修出好照片的摄影后期书,十分简单且易上手。根据多年的教学经验,作者总结出一套自己的摄影后期教学体系,旨在向摄影初学者介绍如何运用数码后期软件Photoshop将照片修得更好看。本书针对人物、风光、花卉等不同的拍摄题材,并结合各位读者想要得到的不同效果,进行了详细的后期修图技巧讲解,让零起点的摄影爱好者也能轻松上手,掌握基本的摄影后期修片技法。 除了介绍Photoshop的基础知识和常用工具,本书还辅以诸多高度提炼的典型修片案例进行实操技巧的讲解。无论是普通的摄影后期爱好者,还是专业修图师,都能够通过阅读本书获得灵感,迅速提高数码照片后期处理水平。
ANALYSIS AND DESIGN OF DIGITAL SYSTEMS WITH VHDL integrates industry-standard hardware description language (VHDL) technology into the undergraduate digital logic course. Author Allen Dewey observes that the widespread use of...
This book takes the reader from the basic operating principles of the microwave MESFET and HEMT to the application of device models in modern CAD programmes. In addition to explaining...
Do you know why repeatability is more important than accuracy? Do you know what makes a closed-tank system simpler than an open tank? What determines the rate of flow through...
If you've ever worked on a complex architectural or engineering project, you already know what until now drafting software has failed to grasp-namely, that a complete set of plans can...