... Abram Chayes and Jerome B. Wiesner , eds . ( New York : The New American Library , 1969 ) , p . 250. Bernard Brodie remarks , “ We should also recognize once and for all that when it comes to predicting human casualties , we are ...
My thanks to Mark A. Noll for his email correspondence (November 22, 2008) pointing to Catholic sources, especially in his own work, “The Bible, Minority Faiths, and the American Protestant Mainstream, 1860–1925,” in Minority Faiths and ...
Dominance, Power, and the Social Construction of Difference: Social Diversity in the United States, a Customized Version of Difference, Inequality,...
Studie over de factoren die meespelen bij de verspreiding van een taal en de conflicten die ontstaan tussen wereldwijd belangrijke talen, met als voorbeeld de Engelse en de Franse taal
Diversity and Dominance in Indian Politics
My aim in writing this book is therefore to provide a practical guide to ecological diversity and its measurement.
This volume explores the contradiction between the news coverage given to issues of religion, particularly since 2001 in relation to issues such as terrorism, politics, security and gender, and the fact of its apparent decline according to ...
In this volume, Martin Moore and Damian Tambini draw together the world's leading researchers to examine the digital dominance of technologies platforms and look at the evidence behind the rising tide of criticism of the tech giants.
This work seeks to explore the widely held assumption that the discipline of International Relations is dominated by American scholars, approaches and institutions.
( 1982 ) provoked controversy in the ecological literature ( Burgess 1983 ; Mumme et al . 1983 ; Brewer and McCann 1985 ; Krebs 1989 : 167–8 ) . Unfortunately , Campbell's reanalysis of these data is unlikely to resolve the controversy ...