A collection of essays on fundamental issues regarding scientific knowledge. Contents: Systematic Essays: Science and the Epistemic Authority of Logical Analysis, Jay F. Rosenberg; Varieties of Understanding, Robert Brandom; Theory Families, Plausibility and the Defense of Modest Realism, Rom Harre; Scientific Rationality and Its Reconstruction, Jurgen Mittelstrass; Conservatism and the Data Base, William Lycan. Historical Essays: Darwin's Achievement, Philip Kitcher; "A Purely Scientific Temper": Victorian Expressions of the Ideal of an Autonomous Science, Robert E. Butts.
This work contains the keystone of his critical philosophy - the basis of human knowledge and truth.
[Buchheit et al, 1994] Martin Buchheit, Francesco M. Donini, Werner Nutt, and Andrea Schaerf. Terminological systems revisited: Terminology = schema + views. In Proceedings of ike Twelfth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence ...
Книга Рэймонда Смаллиана, вероятно, самый увлекательный сборник задач по логике. Около трехсот задач различной сложности сгруппированы по разделам, герои которых Рыцари и Лжецы, Алиса в Стране Чудес, Беллини и Челлини...
The proceedings of KR '94 comprise 55 papers on topics including deduction an search, description logics, theories of knowledge and belief, nonmonotonic reasoning and belief revision, action and time, planning...
This work opens with a development of the notion of Unfathomed Knowledge, which Bartley makes clear by using it to explain such recent scientific advances as the development of drugs...
Micro- and Opto-Electronic Materials and Structures: Physics, Mechanics, Design, Reliability, Packaging is the first comprehensive reference to collect and present the most, up-to-date, in-depth, practical and easy-to-use information on the...
What does "meaningless" mean? On the one hand, it signifies simply the absence or lack of meaning. "Zabool" is meaningless just because it doesn't happen to mean anything. "Green flees...
Critica dell'epistemologia: per una concezione materialistica della scienza
An updated and re-written version of the author's Knowledge, this study contains accounts of traditional, modern and contemporary theories of knowledge. This book has been specifically designed for students of...