Most Christians are familiar with the story told in Mark’s gospel — from the fishermen leaving their nets, to the miracle of the loaves and fishes, to the political rumblings and the crucifixion. But no one knows who “Mark” really was or why this gospel was written or why it’s charged with such a sense of immediacy. For noted Jesus scholar Marcus Borg, reading Mark is like “meeting Jesus again for the first time.” Individual readers and parish study groups will learn about this earliest gospel from the perspective of an important Anglican theologian. Conversations with Scripture is the umbrella title of the Anglican Association of Biblical Scholars Study Series. Written in accessible language and sensitive to those who have little or no experience in reading the Bible, each book in the series focuses on exploring the historical and critical background, plus modern application of the texts. Other books in the series focus on the Gospel of John, Revelation, the Law, the Parables, and 2 Isaiah. From the Introduction: “In thousands of congregations...this emerging way has been a means of revitalizing and deepening Christian understanding and commitment. It is a way that integrates faith and reason, head and heart, intellect, experience, and yearning. For me, it has made all the difference. This book is a small contribution to this process of adult theological re-education.”
But the parables are filled with ambiguity and room for interpretation. With historical and cultural background, and careful scholarly detail, this book helps readers explore their beauty, richness, and joy.
Far from seeing the book as either simplistic or cruel, Heller allows this odd text to speak to us anew about God, sin, relationships, and justice.
Roadmap, myth, or history? An accessible review of The Book of Revelation for today’s audience. Conversations with Scripture: Revelation is the first book in the Anglican Association of Biblical Scholar Study Series.
Part of the Conversations with Scripture series, this book looks at the Biblical topics.
Exploring the Law in Exodus, and Leviticus, this book examines the historical and cultural contexts of these legal codes.
On the one hand, it stresses boundaries while on the other it stresses community. This edition encourages readers to draw out the tensions between these two perspectives to make the gospel more meaningful to their lives.
Written from his years of experience as a priest and now as the bishop of Massachusetts, M. Thomas Shaw's Conversations with Scripture and with Each Other is designed to encourage and strengthen the faith of lay leaders.
The accompanying study guide contains a series of texts and questions intended to provoke thought and discussion about talking with the Bible.
As with other books in the series, Wilson's book features definitions and sidebars in each chapter on particular topics, as well as study questions.
Lee,. New York Times best-selling author “In The Art of Hard Conversations, Lori Roeleveld beautifully avoids preaching by ... coach “As someone skilled at conflict avoidance (that's a nice way of saying I'm terrified of confrontation), ...