• Established resource series for church groups and individual use • An expert in church renewal takes the opportunity to approach the series in a fresh, new fashion It has been said that we are called not only to read Scripture but to let Scripture read us. In that spirit, this book will guide readers into conversation with Paul’s letter to the Romans. The author will help us listen to what that letter said to the people to whom it was written and to hear what it says to us today. Readers will bring their own reflections, personal concerns, and questions to the table as we let this letter challenge us with meaning—letting it read the reader. The thesis of this book is that the letter has demonstrated transforming power to renew lives and the church through a focus on worship; a rigorous assessment of the human condition, especially the failure of human religiosity; a claim of transforming power in the ongoing life of Christ; an expansive vision of who is included in God’s life and love; a call to practical application and proclamation of the gospel.
Far from seeing the book as either simplistic or cruel, Heller allows this odd text to speak to us anew about God, sin, relationships, and justice.
"Conversations with Scripture: Revelation is the first book in the Anglican Association of Biblical Scholars Study Series.
On the one hand, it stresses boundaries while on the other it stresses community. This edition encourages readers to draw out the tensions between these two perspectives to make the gospel more meaningful to their lives.
Roadmap, myth, or history? An accessible review of The Book of Revelation for today’s audience. Conversations with Scripture: Revelation is the first book in the Anglican Association of Biblical Scholar Study Series.
But the parables are filled with ambiguity and room for interpretation. With historical and cultural background, and careful scholarly detail, this book helps readers explore their beauty, richness, and joy.
Most Christians are familiar with the story told in Mark's gospel, but no one knows who Mark really was or why this gospel was written.
Lee,. New York Times best-selling author “In The Art of Hard Conversations, Lori Roeleveld beautifully avoids preaching by ... coach “As someone skilled at conflict avoidance (that's a nice way of saying I'm terrified of confrontation), ...
As with other books in the series, Wilson's book features definitions and sidebars in each chapter on particular topics, as well as study questions.
With a study guide that includes thoughtful, challenging questions for reflection and discussion, this is an ideal resource for individual and parish study.
Most recently, he has written "The Season of Epiphany" in New Proclamation Year B, 2008-2009, Advent through Holy Week (Fortress, 2008). His other publications include journal articles, introductions and annotations to biblical books ...