• Background on spiritual practices for Episcopalians • Noted spiritual director shares wisdom from Anglican tradition With its great heritage from English mystics, the Episcopal Church has been “spiritual” since before it was trendy, and modern Episcopalians have been in the forefront of exploring practices beyond Anglican boundaries. Yet, perhaps only rarely do they grasp the implications of the theology embedded in these practices or in the liturgies of the 1979 Book of Common Prayer, which has shaped Episcopalians in this country with its emphasis on baptismal spirituality and the centrality of the Eucharist. Julia Gatta wants to change that with her new book, Life in Christ. Applying her years of experience as pastor and spiritual director combined with her study of the spiritual wisdom of the past, she explores common Christian practices and their underlying theology through an Episcopal lens. In the tradition of Esther de Waal, Martin Smith, and Martin Thornton, with particular reference to scripture, The Book of Common Prayer, and the wisdom of the Christian spiritual tradition, she illuminates methods readers may already be practicing and provides insight and guidance to ones that may be new to them.
Modern parallels are drawn and age-old events are illuminated in Archbishop Sheen's account of the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ
This book is perfect for believers who want to understand what happened when they believed and for non-Christians who are curious about what a new life in Christ is all about.
"In this splendid book on the very central issues of eternity, Jeremy Walker, like J. C. Ryle of old, carries the reader along with an excellent, gripping style.
A searching consideration of the deeper meanings of the Christian life. Copyright © Libri GmbH. All rights reserved.
What are we to make of him? Please accept my deepest apologies right up front, for this book will not help answer that question. However, it may help answer this one: What is this man to make of me?"
Deriving insights from the life of Jesus in the Gospels, Klaus Issler uncovers the dynamics involved in truly becoming more Christlike.
Life in Christ : Studies in 1 John
But first, we need to focus on the life and personality of Christ. Andrew Murray paints a portrait of the Son of God that will arouse your desire to be like Him.
THIS is the story of my life in Christ.
Dwight L. Moody takes us deep into Scripture and paints a clear picture of what ought to be an individual’s life for Christ. The call for each Christian is to become an active member in the body of Christ.