"Surveying a legacy that encompasses over 400 years, Peter Fryer traces the development of this musical crossover. He describes how slaves, mariners, and merchants brought African music form Angola and other ports of east Africa to Latin America. In particular they brought it to Brazil - today the country with the largest black population of any outside Africa. Fryer examines how the rhythms and beats of Africa were combined with European popular music to create a unique sound and dance tradition. He focuses on the political nature of this musical integration and the role of African heritage in the cultural identity of black Brazilians today." --book cover.
"Rhythm and Resistance offers practical lessons about how to teach poetry to build community, understand literature and history, talk back to injustice, and construct stronger literacy skills across content areas and grade levels-- from ...
Rhythms & Resistance: Narrative of Filipino Musicians and Activists of Winnipeg (1972-1994)
Sci Rep 7(1):1–9 Bolige A, Kiyota M, Goto K (2005) Circadian rhythms of resistance to UV-C and UV-B radiation in Euglena as related to 'escape from light' and 'resistance to light'. J Photochem Photobiol B Biol 81(1):43–54 Coyte KZ, ...
Ecol Lett 5:16–19 Rikin A, Dillwith JW, Bergman DK (1993) Correlation between the circadian rhythm of resistance to extremetemperatures and changes in fatty acid composition in cotton seedlings. Plant Physiol 101:31–36 Fowler SG, ...
This book is composed of 12 chapters that discuss the detection, analysis, and definition of rhythms, specifically exogenous and endogenous rhythms. This book also demonstrates the mechanism of metabolic and gastrointestinal rhythms.
Within the rhythms of large and small, slow and fast, know the rhythm of contact and the rhythm of spacing, as well as the rhythm of resistance to rhythm. These are essential to the martial arts. If you are unable to discern ...
Modulation Coordination of Airway Resistance (Phase Relation to: ) - Neurogenic Drive *: [Tz = sec Chemosensitivity y Wagal Reflexes |-co.4 sec – Chemosensitivity Periodic 7". - - - Breathing //M/wwVWM [z = 0-60s: Neurogenic Drive ...
This book is about resistance in everyday life, illustrated through empirical contexts from different parts of the world. Resistance is a widespread phenomenon in biological, social and psychological domains of human cultural development.
Brother Resistance extended this performance by picking up the song where Sheldon Blackman had stopped, continuing the singing-chanting of the verses and chorus for several minutes, then shifting the tone of the performance from ...
This will be a sign between me and you for the generations to come, so you may know that I am the Lord, who makes you holy'” (Exodus 31:13). Back then, resistance meant death, but in Christ, we are saved from the consequences of our ...