Writings through James Joyce's Finnegan's Wake, Norman O. Brown, and "The Future of Music."
Empty Words: Writings '73-'78
TRUTH , EXISTENCE , AND REALITY Satya is most often translated into English , particularly in the context of satyagraha theory , as " truth . ... For it could arise from conjoining satya with graha , and so mean " grasping the truth .
A writer attempts to complete the novel for which he has been awarded a big fat Guggenheim grant, though for a long time he succeeds mainly in procrastinating - getting an electrician to rewire his living room so he can reposition his ...
“As always with a Bob Hicok book, fascinating and a book you sort of can’t help but pick up and suddenly, two hours later, find yourself having read straight through.
front of us, but we gradually adapt to expectations and develop the capacity to deal with them. This growth cycle is rapid and steep early in our career, when we are constantly facing unfamiliar challenges and in need of developing new ...
This is the relentlessly honest, fiercely intelligent story of living with both anorexia and binge-eating disorder, moving past her shame, and learning to tell her secret.
"Poet Taylor Blake struggles to come to terms with a life and career that seems to be past its peak.
Moving to a small village with his grandparents after a devastating accident, Neil endures a terrible plague that kills the world's adults, an event that compels him to make a treacherous journey to London in search of other survivors.
Similar to a Linotype machine, the resulting device became a tool for the production of text works, used by both ourselves and the general public.
Told in ravaged, sensuous detail to a fictional Wagner by two strangers on opposite sides of the country, years apart from each other, these stories illuminate the random, chaotic nature of human suffering and the miraculous strength of the ...