An Account of Its Historic Development William Bell Dinsmoor, William James Anderson. ( 19 ) ORIENTATION : DINSMOOR ( W. ... NILSSON ( M. P . ) — “ Les Bases votives à doubles colonnes et l'arc de triomphe . " ( In B.C.H. , XLIX , 1925. ) ...
They reflected - and projected - essential cultural values, whether they were intended for religious sanctuaries for aristocratic drinking parties, civic squares or tombs."--BOOK JACKET.
Architectural Space in Ancient Greece
New York , n.d. BOARDMAN , J. , DORIG , J. , FUCHS , W. , and HIRMER , M. The Art and Architecture of Ancient Greece . London , 1967 . Section on Architecture by J. Boardman . ... GOLDMAN , H. Excavations at Eutresis in Boeotia .
"Classical Greek Architecture is a definitive account of classical architecture, its influences, and its significance for the structures of today from leading scholar Alexander Tzonis. The work contains a wealth...
This handbook has been written by Tatyana Fedulova - Russian art critic, lecturer and popularizer of history of Fine Arts, the expert in the History of Art and Religion.
The Temple of Apollo Bassitas, Vol. II: The Sculpture. Princeton. Coulton, J.J. 1977. Greek Architects at Work. Ithaca. Curtis, E. and F. Adler. 1897. Olympia, Die Ergebnisseder von dem Deutschen Reich, Veranstalteten Alsgrabung.
Chronicles the architecture and art created in ancient Greece through text and color photographs that describe famous buildings, paintings, and sculptures.
Purpose and setting of the Greek temple -- Formative developments -- Questions of construction and the Doric genus -- Questions of influence and the Aeolic capital -- Questions of appearance and the Ionic genus -- Questions of meaning and ...
In this volume the leading experts on ancient Greek theatre architecture present new excavation results and new analyses of individual monuments.
Generously illustrated and lucidly written, this volume will appeal to all who are interested in architecture, architectural history, and archaeology.