Visions of Glory brings together twenty-two images and twenty-two brisk essays, each essay connecting an image to the events that unfolded during a particular year of the Civil War. The book focuses on a diverse set of images that include a depiction of former slaves whipping their erstwhile overseer distributed by an African American publisher, a census graph published in the New York Times, and a cutout of a child's hand sent by a southern mother to her husband at the front. The essays in this collection reveal how wartime women and men created both written accounts and a visual register to make sense of this pivotal period. The collection proceeds chronologically, providing a nuanced history by highlighting the multiple meanings an assorted group of writers and readers discerned from the same set of circumstances. In so doing, this volume assembles contingent and fractured visions of the Civil War, but its differing perspectives also reveal a set of overlapping concerns. A number of essays focus in particular on African American engagements with visual culture. The collection also emphasizes the role that women played in making, disseminating, or interpreting wartime images. While every essay explores the relationship between image and word, several contributions focus on the ways in which Civil War images complicate an understanding of canonical writers such as Emerson, Melville, and Whitman.
VISIONS OF GLORY describes the amazing near-death experiences and subsequent visions of Spencer, as told to best-selling author John Pontius.
The glorious coffee-table book pays homage to the story of our royal past, celebrates the glory of the here and now, and even dares to forecast the future.
An account of a man named Spencer's out-of-body experiences and visions of the last days.
Visions of Glory: A History and a Memory of Jehovah's Witnesses
With a focus on Jesus Christ, Anne Graham Lotz brings clarity and understanding to the book of Revelation. Lotz explains God's faithfulness regardless of circumstance.
Glory In Our Midst: A Biblical-Theological Reading of Zechariah's Night Visions
The author interweaves a discussion of the beliefs, motives, organization, and history of the Jehovah's Witnesses with personal reflections on her involvement with the sect from childhood to the age...
In this masterpiece about freedom, feminism, and destiny, Printz Honor author A.S. King tells the epic story of a girl coping with devastating loss at long last--a girl who has no idea that the future needs her, and that the present needs ...
It is sure to appeal to Pagels's committed readers and bring her a whole new audience who want to understand the roots of dissent, violence, and division in the world's religions, and to appreciate the lasting appeal of this extraordinary ...
He also allowed her to read from the Book of Life, which showed her a panorama of the earth's past, present, and future.Julie saw the lives of many historical figures, such as Adam and Eve, Enoch, Noah, and Moses.