Becoming Critical Researchers analyzes the findings of a two-year ethnographic study of the apprenticeship of urban youth as critical researchers of popular culture. Drawing on new literacy studies, critical pedagogy, and sociocultural learning theory, this book documents the changes in student participation within a critical research-focused community of practice. These changes include the acquisition and development of academic and critical literacies and the resulting translations of these literacies into increased academic performance, greater access to college, and commitment to social action. This book inserts critical and postmodern theory into the conception and evaluation of classroom practice and its findings suggest that programs centering on the lived experiences of teens can indeed achieve the goals of critical education, while also promoting academic achievement in urban schools.
The purpose of this book is to offer a rationale by outlining a philosophical justification for the view that teachers have a special role as researchers and that the most plausible way to construe educational research is as a form of ...
Research Methods thoroughly covers both quantitative- and qualitative-oriented research. Unlike many texts which begin with an introduction to research and then move directly to how to conduct research, this text...
Another, asyet largely unexplored, method for conducting stage four analysis involves the appropriation of Barker's Behavior Setting Survey (Barker1963, 1968; Schoggen 1989).TheBehavior Setting Survey (BSS) was developed by Barker ...
Action research is "about taking everyday things in the life of education and unpacking them for their historical and ideological baggage" (5).
This book is a collection of narratives from a diverse array of science education researchers that elucidate some of the difficulties of becoming a science education researcher and/or science teacher educator, with the hope that through ...
Beginning with Chapter Two, every chapter in the text emulates a standard published research report. o Readers will learn how to read and evaluate research questions, hypotheses, and the literature review (Chapter Two). o Readers will learn ...
This text is a collection of case studies and readings on the subject of doing research in education. It takes a personal view of the experience of doing research.
In addition, the book also addresses the rarely explored issues of the researcher as writer and researcher identity as core elements of the research process. The book provides a range of insights and original perspectives.
This highly diverse collection of previously unpublished and published works offers a sampling of opinions on key theoretical and methodological questions, complemented by a wide range of critical action research reports illustrating what ...
This book describes a method in which researchers commit to research WITH, not ON, members of marginalized communities in order to challenge and transform conditions of social injustice.