This book is a cross-cultural, gendered study of both self and curriculum. Initiating a conversation between and among Michel Foucault, Confucius, and Julia Kristeva, it searches for a new (third) cultural and psychic space of transformation and creativity. Weaving together philosophy, psychoanalysis, and autobiography through lived experiences of curriculum, it calls for new configurations of subjectivity at the intersection of culture and gender, through the meeting between selfhood and the human psyche, in the dynamics of the semiotic and the symbolic, and through the interaction between the Western subject and the Chinese self. These multiple layers of inquiry provide unique perspectives for readers who are interested in curriculum theory, feminist analysis, philosophy of education, or East/West dialogue.
The Mathematics Curriculum and Teaching Program Professional Development Package: Assessment Alternatives in Mathematics
Supervision and Curriculum Renewal: A Systems Approach
The introduction explains how the three colleges were selected based on their size and staffing levels and describes the following data collection activities, which took more than 2 years to complete: a confidential survey of all staff ...
Changing the Curriculum
課程的變革: 20世紀美國課程的改革
'An Aims-based Curriculum' spells out a groundbreaking alternative curriculum based not on subjects, but on what schools should be for.
This book focuses on the nuts and bolts of this effective method for differentiating classroom content, process skills, and creative products of gifted learners.
In this important book the author looks back on the 'knowledge question'.
the principal's dilemma : a special report of the NASSP Curriculum Council Herbert J. Walberg, James W. Keefe, NASSP Curriculum Council. the next. And numerous school districts have begun to implement such achievement-based promotion ...
Tomorrow's doctors