Engaging Film Criticism examines recent American cinema in relationship to its «imaginative intertexts», films from earlier decades that engage similar political and cultural themes. This historical encounter provides an unexpected and exciting way of reading popular contemporary films. Eclectic pairings include the Schwarzenegger action film True Lies with the Hitchcock classic North by Northwest, as well as the lampooned Will Smith comedy Wild, Wild West with Buster Keaton's silent feature The General. Using a theoretically and historically informed brand of criticism, Engaging Film Criticism suggests that today's Hollywood cinema is every bit as worthy of study as the classics.
Dreamchild * * * PG , 94 m . , 1985 Coral Browne ( Mrs. Hargreaves ) , lan Holm ( Reverend Dodgson ) , Peter Gallagher ( Jack Dolan ) , Caris Corfman ( Sally Mackeson ) , Nicola Cowper ( Lucy ) , Jane Asher ( Mrs. Liddell ) .
... Louise , 122 Albuquerque , 294 Alexander Nevsky , 93 , 247 , 341 Algiers , 306 Alice Adams , 385 All My Sons , 300 All Quiet on the Western Front , 182 Allen , Fred , 157 , 187 Allen , Gracie , 101 Allen , Lewis , 158 , 169 Allgood ...
Tedious and unconvincing adventures . w Lawrence E. Watkin journal Major John Wesley Powell d William Beaudine ph Gordon Avil m Oliver Wallace Brian Keith , John Beal , James Drury , R. G. Armstrong , Ben Johnson , L. Q. Jones The ...
The Films of Joan Crawford
The Motion Picture Guide: Silent film, 1910-1936
Tzelniker, Meier (1894- ). British character actor well known in the Yiddish theatre. Mr Emmanuel 44. It Always Rains on Sunday 48. Last Holiday 50. The Teckman Mystery 54. Make Me an Offer 54. A Night to Remember 58. Expresso Bongo 60.
The Annotated Ordinances of Hong Kong: Dian Ying Jian Cha Tiao Li (di 392 Zhang). Film Censorship Ordinance (Cap 392)
The Annotated Ordinances of Hong Kong: 電影檢查條例 (第392章). Film Censorship Ordinance (Cap 392)
Inlcudes interviews with the cultural commentators Jonathan Griffin, Trish Lyons and Pamela Church Gibson.
Politics and the Cinema: An Introduction to Political Films