Shakespeare Translated: Derivatives on Film and TV

Shakespeare Translated: Derivatives on Film and TV
English drama
Peter Lang
Herbert R. Coursen


Shakespeare's works are constantly being translated into new contexts, a fact which demonstrates the vitality of his plots in contemporary settings. Shakespeare Translated looks at the way certain plays - particularly Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, Othello, and King Lear - have been recontextualized into films like O and King of Texas, or television shows such as «The Gilmore Girls», «Cheers», and «Clueless». This book illustrates how Romeo and Juliet is the most shamelessly appropriated of Shakespeare's scripts for contemporary use because its plot fits so neatly into the teenage culture that has burgeoned since the late 1950s. Shakespeare Translated looks at what has happened to Shakespeare, for better or - more often - for worse, as the new millennium begins.

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