Original Scholarly Monograph
A book the government of India demands be ritually burned.
Holy Cow!
That the proverbial fly in the ointment goes back to the Bible’s Ecclesiastes (10:1). How Swiss watchmakers created teensy-weensy coaches for fleas to pull in flea circuses. And much—much!—more. Don't be a lame duck and get this book!
Holy Cow: Beef in Indian Dietary Traditions
Sacred Bull, Holy Cow: A Cultural Study of Civilization's Most Important Animal. New York: Peter Lang. Spiegel Online. Lebensmittel-Verschwendung: Indien lässt millionen Tonnen Getreide verrotten.
For the history of the bull as cultural signifier see also Donald K. Sharpes, Sacred Bull, Holy Cow: A Cultural Study of Civilisation's Most Important Animal (New York, 2006) and Hannah Velten, Cow (London, 2007).
Billy-goats for breeding should be chosen from the best stock, that is, nannies which regularly drop twins; and some owners even go so far as to import nannies from the island of Melia, because they judge that the largest and most ...
By comparing practices of animal exploitation for food and resources in different societies over time, David A. Nibert finds in the domestication of animals, which he renames "domesecration," a perversion of human ethics, the development of ...
Cows and Culture in the World of the Ancient Greeks Jeremy McInerney. Shaner, D. E., S. Nagatomo, and Y. Yasuo. ... “The Marathonian Bull on the Athenian Akropolis.” AJA 92: 373–82. Sharpes, D. K. 2006. Sacred Bull, Holy Cow. New York.
Further enhancing this volume are an introductory overview of the history of Aramaic and a comparative grammatical outline of ancient Aramaic at the end of the book.