During his early life (1884-1925), Rudolf Bultmann passionately attempted to unite scholar and laity through his understanding of God, which developed in the context of his home and its love for the common people of the church; the legacy of Schleiermacher; Marburg Lutheran neo-Kantianism; the eschatological perspective of the History of Religion School; dialectical theology; and Heidegger's philosophy of existence. Bultmann always insisted that God reflected the inner forces of life within each human being. Over the years, however, Bultmann came to hold that Lutheran neo-Kantianism provided the basic structure by which to analyze, critique, and strengthen his understanding of God. In light of this neo-Kantian structure, Bultmann insisted that God could not be the formulation of any scientific, ethical, or artistic construction. In other words God could not be the object or manifestation of human reason in any form since God transcended human reason. Hence in 1925, through the assistance of the dialectical theologians and Heidegger, Bultmann presented his purest formulation of a neo-Kantian understanding of God: God as the spontaneous moment of encountering the dialectical forces within our existential being.
The Young Bultmann: Context for His Understanding of God, 1884-1925
Karl Barth-Rudolf Bultmann Letters, 1922-1966
Rudolf Bultmann
... Bultmann's seminar on the ethics of Saint Paul , introducing into the discussion Luther's interpretations of Genesis and Exodus . According to Lowith , " Heidegger held a seminar with [ Bultmann ] on the young Luther " ( MLD 29 ) . In ...
History and Existential Theology: The Role of History in the Thought of Rudolf Bultmann
... Bultmann's theology and hermeneutics, we will need to go back to Weiss and the revolution he initiated in biblical studies. In early 1892, when the young Bultmann was only seven years old, the Marburg New Testament scholar Johannes ...
... youth would remain with Bultmann his whole life.52 There are some key elements that make Bultmann's thought distinctive. First, Bultmann utilized the concept of myth as his key to interpreting the New Testament.53 Secondly, in the ...
... Bultmann.13 In fact, “there exists overwhelming evidence that there was an active and open dialogue between Bultmann and Heidegger.”14 In William Dennison's The Young Bultmann: Context for His Understanding of God, 1884-1925 (2008), we ...
... Bultmann and Heidegger, such that Bultmann's theological roots lean towards Heidegger and Heidegger's philosophical roots lean towards Bultmann. in fact, it has been noted very briefly by William dennison in the recently published The Young ...
(London: Routledge, 2004); Stuart Hall, Stuart Hall: Critical Dialogues in Cultural Studies, ed. David Morley and Kuan-Hsing Chen ... Christopher L. Chippari and Silvia L. López (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1995), 207.