Refined Consequentialism critically examines the moral vision offered by the late Richard A. McCormick, the premier American Catholic moral theologian of the post-Vatican II era. Taking a philosophical approach to a debate carried on primarily by moral theologians, the author presents a forceful case that McCormick's brand of proportionalism belongs in the ranks of consequentialist moral theories. In doing so, the author stakes out a clear position on one side of a crucial debate that goes to the heart of the Catholic and Christian moral tradition. This book may serve as a text in both undergraduate and graduate courses that deal with contemporary Catholic (and secular) moral thought. A broader public - one interested in the history of moral theology and in the ethical-theoretical underpinnings of the current debates within the churches on euthanasia, supporting pro-choice politicians, and removal of nutrition and hydration from gravely ill patients - will also find this book of great interest.