In the antebellum South, the «plain folk» maintained social norms, ideals of honor, justice, gender, and liberty that were significantly distinct from town and planter gentility, and the humorists of the Old South captured this important distinction. Southwest humor flourished from the 1830s through the Civil War and this book provides a thorough investigation of the unique and innovative contributions of these humorists to the field of American literary realism, such as use of vernacular authenticity, complex character portraits, and the narrative technique of disclosure. Thus, when the Southwest humorists «tell about the South, » they provide an endlessly entertaining and realistic representation of the vast complexities of the antebellum South and illustrate that the roots of literary realism were sown and nurtured on the southwestern frontier.
The Ethnic Image in Modern American Literature, 1900 -1950: 1
Mary's affirmation that one should not have to deserve a home leads Warren to consider what the term means , and she fosters his awakening by extending her ...
A friend of Abigail Adams for many years, Mercy Otis Warren is one of the most important women of the Revolutionary War pe- riod. She was a poet, ...
Prentice Hall Literature: The American Experience
Prentice Hall Literature Penguin Indiana Edition
Because she possessed a wide range of skills, Brooks was able to write in a multiplicity of forms and traditions. She also became involved in the Black Arts Movement. Brooks's poetry itself often considers international themes in local ...
This title is also available as a film_
Gevaarlijk terrein: het landschap in de Amerikaanse literatuur
Features more than 130 short stories and poems by Edgar Allan Poe.
美国文学源流: Significant Poets, Novelists & Dramatists, 1775-1955