Topics covered include: Basic legal principles Project participants Project delivery systems Construction contracts The design process Procurement Pricing construction projects Subcontractors and suppliers Time for performance Construction ...
The newly revised and updated Construction Law, Second Edition provides a complete orientation to the construction industry and its processes, and it can be used for introductory survey courses or more advanced courses oriented towards ...
This innovative book provides a thorough and comprehensive guide to construction law by blending together black letter law and socio-legal approaches.
In furtherance of this agreement , Wausau also entered into a Contract for Completion and Construction with Rogers Construction Company whereby Rogers became the completing contractor for all remaining work under the prime contract .
Construction Checklists: A Guide to Frequently Encountered Construction Issues
"Aimed at a global market so not oriented to any particular legal system, the book is useful to readers throughout the world"--
Outlining the basics of construction law, this guide explains the major principles of construction law in a logical, useful format.
The authors provide practical information that can be used by all construction industry professionals, as well as detailed analyses of California construction law-both as codified in the statutes & as...
Florida Construction Law Manual
A ready reference for attorneys and construction and design professionals, the Handbook analyzes construction law in Georgia, as set forth in the Official Code of Georgia Annotated and reported State and federal court decisions, and ...