Clifford Trusts . A Clifford trust , also referred to as a reversionary trust or short - term trust , is a type of trust in which the settlor retains the right to possess again the property transferred in trust — that is , the settlor ...
g . Proposed personal representative is a X resident of California nonresident of California ( affix statement of ... adopted by a third party stop foster no child ( 3 ) X issue of a predeceased child no issue of a predeceased child b .
Compensation & Duties of Estate Trustees, Guardians & Attorneys
Duties of Estate Trustees, Guardians and Attorneys
Settling an Estate Without Probate: Illinois Edition
Probate Law and Procedure
Forms and practical examples are used throughout the book as they apply to typical probate and estate issues a paralegal will face in the law firm. The book is written for all levels - students as well as practicing paralegals.
"Initiate and close probate with ease, learn how to locate and manage estate assets, deal with creditors' claims, taxes and trusts, avoid the common mistakes made by many executors"--Cover.
Alabama Probate Law and Procedure: The Administration of Estates
Parry and Clark: The Law of Succession